Creative Strategy that drives impact

Hey there!  My name’s Mitch and I’m obsessed with understanding how humans think, work, and make sense of the world.  Leveraging my natural curiosity, I currently develop brands, plan products, and steer research over at Big Human.
A digital whiteboard on a zoom call
“Mitch has an excellent handle on the big picture and an intuitive understanding of how pieces fit together.  He’s able to picture the horizon of what doesn’t exist yet and figure out exactly how to get there.”
— LeAnn Pearson, Director of HR @Venveo

Thought Leadership & Management

What I've Learned

While leading the design team at Venveo, I spent most of my waking hours (and sometimes non-waking hours) trying to understand what it takes to make a good creative team great.  Below are some developments from that journey.
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Where the rubber meets the road

While I focused my growth on creative leadership and management, there's still something to be said by projects taken to completion. Here is a sampling of some of work that I'm proud of.
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About Me

Pay no attention to the man behind the lens-flare

For what it's worth though, my mom says I’m pretty cool.
Read my story